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演员新闻《美女歌手Natalie Imburglia简介(图)》

来源:银河演员网(本站编辑)   时间:2014-09-24  
摘要:By mixing Lisa Loeb/Alanis Morissette-like singing with music that sounds similar to a more mainstream Portishead at times, Natalie Imbruglia h 但是如果你听过她的第一支单曲Torn的话,相信你会一改从前那些对肥剧演员转行成歌手的恶劣印象,并惊讶于她天赋优美
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女歌手Natalie Imburglia简介(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/12 15:18  国际在线

美女歌手Natalie Imburglia


  By mixing Lisa Loeb/Alanis Morissette-like singing with music that sounds similar to a more mainstream Portishead at times, Natalie Imbruglia has become one of the biggest pop sensations in Europe.

  Born in Sydney, Australia on February 4, 1975, Imbruglia was one of four sisters and grew up in a tiny beach town. After becoming a teen actress and landing a spot on the Australian soap opera Neighbours, Imbruglia decided that she would rather be a singer, and moved to London in 1996 to try her luck.

  It was a wise move, as she was soon signed to the RCA U.K. label. Deciding to release a single before her full-length debut, the track "Torn" was issued in 1997, and no one could have predicted its wild success. Produced by former Cure member Phil Thornalley and written by Ednaswap, the single spent a total of 14 weeks at number one, sold over a million copies, and broke the record for most airplay in U.K. history.

  Her debut album, Left of the Middle, was a major hit in Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. upon its release in early 1998. Follow-up singles "Smoke" and the album's title track did moderately well, but never achieved massive success like "Torn."

  After whirlwind praise, Imbruglia disappeared for the rest of the '90s. She found herself battling writer's block while trying to compose material for a sophomore effort, but finally succeeded and, in 2001, released White Lilies Island in the U.K. The album's debut single, "That Day," was a favorite among radio play. A nearly four-year wait preceded the release of Counting Down the Days.

  大家对Natalie Imburglia的一般印象,就是那个在著名的肥皂剧Neighbours里的Beth。但是如果你听过她的第一支单曲Torn的话,相信你会一改从前那些对肥剧演员转行成歌手的恶劣印象,并惊讶于她天赋优美的歌喉。当然Natalie的外型不在话下,再加上她在首张个人专辑里展现过人的歌喉,在各地刮起一股清新旋风。

  从十六岁开始,Natalie就常态性的在Neighbours担任一角。两年之后,她戏里的角色Beth Brennan已成为最受欢迎的人物。现在她回头看看,发现自己实在不应该在这出戏里待这么长的时间。在97年11月Sky Magazine里的访谈中,她提到了一点戏里角色的争执,也提到在拍戏期间过度放纵的饮食造成略过丰腴的身材。 但在她离开Neighbors之后,她减肥成功,外型大大改变。从一个体态丰满的青少年蜕变成娇弱的二十出头妩媚的性感女性形象。

  她所属的唱片公司RCA,也是百分之百的支持她。她说:”RCA不会把我当成一个绑着线 ,可以任意操纵的木偶。他们百分之百的支持我追求心里想要的音乐。我觉得非常高兴。”


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